
Nature Art Exhibition

Hey folks!  Still remember my previous semester ISP(final project) that I made a nature journal book? I can't believe that work selected to be part of ehibition in Hortpark! YEAYY!

Hortpark, Singapore, held a nature art exhibition since last saturday which is 13 March until 28 march 2010. Featuring Tham Pui San, a nature artist, and NAFA (Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts) lecturer, and only me and my friend from other illustration class that are joining this exhibition. I felt happy and glad to bring NAFA's name in this exhibition with my friend and lecturer. And of course, thanks God, my parents and friends and of course Debra that always supports me. 

These are some photos that I took during the opening days...

these are the artist's works
full wall: lecturer - mine - my friend (sorry I forgot her name ;P)
4 selected artworks for the exhibition
and this one I got some stories to tell.I'm so glad and excited about it. Luckily, I was chosen to be featured in Strait Times newspaper about this event. So on that day, the reporter came to take pictures of me after the interview. 
This is me and my lecturer, Ms. Lim Cheng Mei

So for those who live in Singapore around 13 - 28 march, please visit HortPark and check out the exhibition. Cheers!

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